The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Get creative with a downloadable Craft Pack from Right Up Our Street!

To commemorate the Platinum Jubilee of the Queen we want to give you to the opportunity to add a creative activity to your own celebrations. All you need to do is download the below files, print and get colouring in! Don’t forget to send in your completed artwork at or use the hashtag #RightUpOurStreetParty so we can see your beautiful designs.

Drawing Competition

To enter your drawing into our competition simply take a photograph of each and email them to or tag them with #RightUpOurStreetParty on social media, along with your name, age and village.


Illustrations by Helen Stark

Packing 6000 Crowns and 6000 placemats

The Crowns and Placemats at Community Events in Doncaster Celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee