The 71st Hunafa Scouts

Scout Olympics Opening Ceremony


Project Managed by Hayley Beecher with artists Nathan Geering and Leigh Redhead.

Right Up Our Street are supporting the 71st Hunafa Scouts in their performance for the 2022 Scout Olympics opening ceremony. The Hunafa Scout’s are a local scout group based in Doncaster that caters to the Muslim community, but is open to all.

We have the fantastic Hayley Beecher on board to manage the project and the talented Nathan Geering & Leigh Redhead as the project artists to help deliver what the scouts want for their performance.

Hayley, Nathan and Leigh have been visiting the Scouts regularly to get to know the group and understand what they want to perform for the opening ceremony. Together they will create a beautiful performance piece that they have put together collaboratively.

The Journey So Far

Back in May, Hayley met The Hunafa Scout Group for the first time. This is when the journey began and the group started to explore ideas of what was possible for the performance.

Once Hayley understood what the group wanted to do, she brought Nathan Geering and Leigh Redhead on board to support the creative side of the performance. The group had decided on focusing on dance and animation. So, Nathan and Leigh met the group in August and the began to work towards putting a piece together for the opening ceremony.

In early September Hayley, Nathan and Leigh visited the group again and began work on their animation journey, sharing bespoke name tags and continuing to work on their dance.

The group continued their dance rehearsals with Nathan.

In September Leigh started to spray paint the set the group would use. Leigh Also designed the graphics that would appear on the screen behind the group during the performance.

The set designed by Leigh Redhead

The Scouts final rehearsal took place early October, a week before the final performance. The group were starting to feel really excited about sharing what they had created together and also see their set for the first time!

Photographs by James Mulkeen

Film by David Sanchez